Sunday, October 16, 2016

Writer's Tip: How To Come Up With Characters!

 Character's are probably to some, the hardest thing about writing. Not only do you have to remember each one's name and personality's, you will also have to remember their back-story. Even though characters can be hard to stick with, if you practice them and copy their story's and traits down, it will be easier to remember them in the future!
 Creating a character is very easy. Think of your friends or anyone you have met, think about what they would look like and act like in the scenario you created for the book. Then, think about what they would have done before if they were born in your book. Sometimes you might not have friends, or you may have used them already. This is fairly simple to fix. It's called...
 Imagination is key for any good book, or in character building. If you use your imagination and think up a character. it will be yours and not copied off someone else. Your imagination thinks up the wildest of things, so, use those ideas and clean them so they fit in your book!

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